Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry , Oncology & Radiotherapy

Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing
Description The Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing provides a systematic account of the main areas of cancer nursing practice. Covering all aspects of cancer care, it takes the reader from pre-diagnosis through treatment to issues of advanced disease and palliative care. It includes information on cancer biology, cancer genetics and cancer treatments, as well as material on new targeted therapies and complementary therapies. The symptom management section includes detailed guidelines on nursing assessment and psychosocial issues, communication, the experience of cancer, and family and carer issues. So you can find the information you need without delay, the book is clearly laid out with one topic per page, and written in an easily readable note-based style. Blank pages for writing notes, observations and local protocols allow your handbook to be customised to meet your specific needs. All this is available at your fingertips, in a pocket-sized handbook with hard-wearing plastic covers. Written by practising nurses and subject experts, the Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing is a unique and invaluable companion to practising and student nurses, and to all health care professionals involved in the care of patients with cancer.
  • Tadman, Mike
  • Oxford University Press
  • 2007
  • 728
  • Paperback
  • 9780198569244
24,37 Euro   1.499 Денари.
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