Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry , Endocrinology & Diabetes

The Thyroid and Autoimmunity: Proceedings Merck European Thyroid Symposium, June 2006
Description The Thyroid and Autoimmunity Autoimmune thyroid diseases are very prevalent, and treatment of Hashimoto's hypothyroidism or Graves' hyperthyroidism is generally very rewarding. But do we understand why so many people get these diseases or why the phenotypic variation is so great? And is there anything we can do about preventing autoimmune thyroid diseases in the next few years? Learn about the latest insights into the origin of autoimmunity, the usefulness of determining thyroid autoantibodies and how all this may affect medical practice now and in the future. The content of this proceedings book is structured according to the conference sessions: - Tolerance induction - Genetic and environmental susceptibility factors - Regulation of autoimmune-mediated thyroid tissue injury - B-cells and thyroid autoantibodies - Phenotypic variations in thyroid autoimmunity The book addresses specialists in internal medicine, scientists working in the field of immunology as well as medical students interested in this topic of high clinical relevance.
  • Wiersinga
  • Thieme Publishing Group
  • 2007
  • 208
  • Paperback
  • 9783131346612
11,37 Euro   699 Денари.
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