World Languages , Hamilton House ELT

Ultimate English B2 Student’s Book includes: • Ten thematically-organised units, each comprised of distinct lessons covering all skills, vocabulary and grammar, while preparing for all aspects of every B2 exam. • Unique profile pages that engage students through spectacular images and intriguing quotes to motivate students to express themselves creatively. • Specially-created, enticing video clips in all Reading and Grammar lessons, offering an ideal introduction to topics and key language. • Clear learning aims in each lesson leading to spoken and written learning outcomes that follow the syllabus of all international exams at this level. • A strong focus on vocabulary acquisition and expansion, through contexts that excite the student’s imagination while carefully leading up to B2 language exams. • Thorough coverage of all Grammar areas needed at B2 level, with grammar summaries and controlled activities leading to exam practice, all within the unit theme. • Listening and speaking skills developed in stages, with task analysis, models, useful Checklists and opportunities for real-life expression in special Problem Solvers sections. • Special writing skills lessons prepare students for all tasks found in international exams through step-by-step guidance, writing models and handy Checklists. • Special features such as Have your say! and Debate Club help learners foster 21st century skills such as critical thinking and collaboration. • Ample opportunities for practice and exam preparation in each unit in the Practice and Review sections, with additional Progress checks after every two units. • A Grammar reference section with detailed coverage of the grammar theory in each unit. • A Writing bank and Speaking bank with extra material to support the students’ productive skills development.
  • Gormley, Katrina
  • Hamilton House Publishers
  • 2022
  • 9789925316038
15,43 Euro   949 Денари.
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