World Languages , Other Languages

Berlitz Phrase Book & Dictionary Croatian (Bilingual dictionary)
Berlitz Croatian Phrase Book and Dictionary with Free App The essential travel companion from the world-renowned language experts. This pocket-sized phrase book and dictionary from our language experts is all you need to make yourself understood - and to understand others - when you're out and about in Croatia. Features of this Croatian Phrase Book and Dictionary: - Over 8,000 words and phrases: communicate with ease in every situation - Colour-coded sections organised by theme: go from the airport to the hotel, shopping, eating out and more - Easy pronunciation: speak with confidence and be understood with simplified phonetic transcriptions - Menu reader: order the perfect meal every time - Free app: access all the essential words and phrases from your phone or tablet, available for 6 months from purchase - Covers following themes: Survival, Food and Drink, People, Leisure Time, Special Requirements, In an Emergency You may also be interested in: Berlitz Pocket Guide Croatia, Berlitz Pocket Guide Dubrovnik About Berlitz: Berlitz draws on years of travel and language expertise to bring you a wide range of travel and language products, including travel guides, maps, phrase books, language-learning courses, dictionaries and kids' language products.
  • Publishing, Berlitz
  • Apa Publications UK, Ltd.
  • 2019
  • 224
  • Paperback
  • 9781780045047
8,11 Euro   499 Денари.
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