Mathematics & Statistics , Special Topic

Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electricians
Gain the math skills you need to succeed in the electrical trade with this new edition of Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electricians. Using the same straightforward writing style and simple, step-by-step explanations that made previous editions so reader-friendly, the eighth edition includes updated illustrations and information for a better learning experience than ever before! The book begins with basic arithmetic and then, once these basic topics have been mastered, progresses to algebra and then trigonometry. Practical problems with real-world scenarios from the electrical field are used throughout, allowing readers to apply key mathematical concepts at the same time as they are developing an awareness of basic electrical terms and practices. This is the perfect resource for anyone entering the electrical industry, or simply looking to brush up on the necessary math.
  • Herman, Stephen L.
  • Delmar Cengage Learning
  • 2007
  • 225
  • 9781428324015
4,88 Euro   300 Денари.
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