Stationery , Activity Books

Card Tricks
Learn how to become a card magician in no time with the 16-page instruction book and two decks of playing cards in Card Tricks. If you've ever wondered how to do card tricks or want to brush up on your card skills, this set is for you. Inside you'll find easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips for learning amazing card tricks. Each card trick is rated for difficulty level with stars numbered one through five, one star being the least difficult and five stars the most difficult. Learn how to:   Change one card into another Make a card float Use misdirection And more! Start practicing today and impress everyone with your performance and skills!
  • Books, Editors of Chartwell
  • Chartwell Books
  • 2023
  • 16
  • 9780785842835
14,62 Euro   899 Денари.
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