Engineering & Materials Science , Civil Engineering

Ground Support Technology for Highly Stressed Excavations
The performance of ground support as a scheme is essential to constrain failures occurring at the rock surfaces of deep or highly stressed excavations. This book covers laboratory and theoretical developments coupled with field experiments and observations with the implementation of the methodology at mines. It explains the energy dissipation capabilities of reinforcement and support systems leading to the design of complete ground support schemes that can maintain integrity following the dynamic ejection of a mass of rock from an excavation boundary. The key features of the book are as follows: It explores the mechanics, demand and capacity of ground support technology It covers the whole gamut of theories, laboratory and field test results and case studies related to ground support technology It includes a comprehensive database of mesh, rock bolts, cable bolts and shotcrete capacity It examines ground support scheme testing and explanation It discusses comprehensive case studies, including de-stress blasting This book is aimed at professionals in mining engineering, including civil engineering, geological engineering and geotechnical engineering, and related advanced postgraduate studies.
  • Villaescusa, Ernesto
  • CRC Press Inc
  • 2023
  • 422
  • 9781032399720
152,83 Euro   9.399 Денари.
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