Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry , Medical Surgical Nursing

Medical-Surgical Nursing
Designed to transition today's students into tomorrow's practice-ready nurses, Medical-Surgical Nursing: Focus on Clinical Judgment, 3rd Edition, leverages years of nursing education expertise and real-world clinical experience to help students master essential information, develop their clinical judgment, and confidently embrace the challenges ahead--from the Next Generation NCLEX® to the day-to-day realities of practice. Medical-Surgical Nursing is expertly curated by active nursing educators and clinicians. Applying a practical, approachable perspective to the breadth of medical-surgical nursing, Linda Honan and her contributors distill essential concepts and practices in precise detail, clarifying processes and complex pathophysiology through need-to-know coverage of the most prominent medical conditions and key nursing responsibilities. Author Dr. Linda Honan's trademark pedagogical tools, honed throughout her own years as a practitioner and educator, further reinforce the practicing nurse's perspective and deepen students' clinical readiness. Every chapter of this 3rd Edition has been revised and updated with an emphasis on clinical judgment and inclusivity, incorporating bias-free, gender-neutral language and walking students through the NCSBN's Clinical Judgment Measurement Model with new NCLEX questions and case studies. An enhanced focus on determinants of health highlights their impact on health, well-being, and quality of life to help students meet Healthy People 2030 objectives, and new content equips students with the latest clinical insights offering complete preparation for the responsibilities students will assume as they embark on their nursing careers in today's evolving healthcare environment.
  • Honan, Linda
  • Lippincott Williams&Wilki
  • 2023
  • 1824
  • 9781975190958
134,94 Euro   8.299 Денари.
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