"For more than four decades, Kielhofner's Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) has remained the most widely cited and utilized client-centered, occupational-focused and conceptual practice model in the field of occupational therapy. This edition reveals MOHO as it is applied with occupational therapy clients and utilized by educators, practitioners, and scientists from across the globe. Contributors to this edition include educators, applied researchers, students, and practitioners with a wide range of knowledge and practical familiarity with MOHO. They range from those who have been following the work since its emergence, to those who are relatively new to the model, and many somewhere in between. . . For us, MOHO is a model that inspires personal epiphany and psychic freedom from the boundaries of institutionalized meanings, mores, and rituals that currently envelop the inevitably pathologizing health care settings and practices within which we find ourselves practicing, today. We hope that this edition will bring you closer to this model so that you may derive an understanding and interpretation of this model that best fits your life, practice, and scholarly perspective." -- page vi, vii.