Physics & Astronomy , General & Introductory Physics

Frontiers of Neutron Scattering :
This book provides ideas on what neutron scattering could look like in the next millennium. In particular, nonconventional, unusual or innovative neutron scattering experiments (from both the scientific and the instrumental point of view) are described which either have novel applications or provide a new insight into science and technology. Chapters on theoretical aspects are adequately included. The scientific and technical areas cover the following topics: novel neutron scattering techniques and perspectives in neutron scattering instrumentation (including sample environment); soft condensed matter, particularly colloids and polymers; materials science and industrial applications; structure and dynamics of multilayers and nanocrystalline materials; dynamical aspects and quantum effects in molecular magnets; strongly correlated electron systems, with emphasis on dynamic correlations in low-dimensional magnets. All these topics are thoroughly introduced and discussed by acknowledged experts.
  • World Scientific
  • 2000
  • 254
  • 9789810240691
29,25 Euro   1.799 Денари.
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