Law & Criminology , Medical & Pharmaceutical Law

Pharmacy and Medicines Law in Ireland
Description Opening with a detailed account of the historical development of Irish pharmacy and medicines law, this practical textbook covers all aspects of current pharmacy and medicines law in Ireland, including the landmark Pharmacy Act of 2007. The following topics are also covered: the regulations and rules that accompany the Pharmacy Act 2007; prescription and control of supply of medicines; Misuse of Drugs Acts and Regulations; manufacturing and wholesaling medicines; advertising of medicinal products; veterinary medicines legislation; Poisons Act and Regulations; the pharmacy disciplinary system; liability of pharmacists in negligence and defective products; and sources of Irish law. This useful resource is essential reading for Irish pharmacists in community and hospital pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry in Ireland, pharmacy students and those coming to practise in Ireland from other countries. It will also be a valuable reference source for lawyers, public servants and anyone else who wants to know more about the regulatory framework for pharmacists and medicinal products in Ireland.
  • Weedle, Peter B.
  • Pharmaceutical Press
  • 2011
  • 384
  • Paperback
  • 9780853698821
42,26 Euro   2.599 Денари.
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