Political science , Politics & the Media

Global Media : The Television Revolution in Asia
Description This book is about the processes of globalization, demonstrated through a comparative study of three television case histories in Asia. Also illustrated are different approaches to providing television services in the world: public service (NHK in Japan), state (CCTV in China) and commercial (STAR TV, based in Hong Kong). Through its focus, Global Media addresses a considerable lacuna in the media studies literature, which tends to have a heavy Western bias. It provides an original addition to the literature on globalization, which is often abstract and anecdotal, in addition to making a major contribution to comparative research in Asia. Finally, it offers a thoughtful causal layered analysis, with a concluding argument in favor of public service television.
  • White, James D.
  • Taylor & Francis Ltd
  • 2010
  • 288
  • Paperback
  • 9780415884044
27,63 Euro   1.699 Денари.
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