Sport & Exercise , Sports Research Methods

Research in Recreation, Park, Sports and Tourism
This book will provide you with the basic practices and techniques required to carry out and monitor a small-scale research investigation. This new edition has the following New Learning Features: The writing and presentation styles have been dramatically altered in the new edition. Each chapter now leads off with an orientation outline and relevant quote. Furthermore, as a trigger device, important words and concepts are bolded and italicised. Six new "feature boxes" have also been added: Case Study illustrates a point by citing research or a real world example; Something to Remember underscores an important point; Idea provides straightforward, practical, "how to" advice; Your Research presents an opportunity for applying chapter materials to planning your own research project; Review and Discussion Questions assists in determining mastery of chapter content; Exercises contain activities that complement and expand upon chapter material.
  • Riddick, Carol Cutler
  • Sagamore Publishing
  • 2008
  • 431
  • Paperback
  • 9781571675668
42,26 Euro   2.599 Денари.
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