Law & Criminology , Comparative Law

Selected National, European and International Provisions from Public and Private Law: The Maastricht Collection 2015
Description The Maastricht Collection comprises a selection of international, European, and national legal instruments and provisions that have proven to be particularly relevant and useful to students and practitioners of European and comparative law. The compilation is based on the Maastricht University Law School's longstanding expertise in teaching and researching European, international, and comparative law. The book includes codes and statutory law from France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, international treaties, as well as legal instruments of the European Union. The main content is divided into chapters corresponding to different areas of law, such as constitutional and administrative law, criminal law, human rights law, private international law, and private law. The provisions in The Maastricht Collection are reproduced in the original English or in the authentic English version, where applicable, or they are freshly translated under critical editorship. Many existing translations of written law, including officious translations available on government websites, often seek to turn old-fashioned or ambiguous original texts into modern and elegant English. Or, instead of translating, they seek to explain how certain terms or formulations are interpreted in practice. The Maastricht Collection remains as much as possible true to the content, style, and syntax of the original, allowing the reader to appreciate not only the substance but also the authentic form of legal sources. This fourth edition constitutes not only a revision and update of the third edition, but also comprises a number of important additions, the most prominent of which is the inclusion of the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Due to the significant expansion of the collection, this new edition has been divided into separate public law and private law volumes to improve the ease of use. [Subject: Comparative Law, European Law, International Law]
  • Kornet, Nicole
  • Europa Law Publishing
  • 2015
  • 1200
  • Paperback
  • 9789089521712
82,91 Euro   5.099 Денари.
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