Education , Classroom Management

Interprofessional Working in Practice: Learning and Working Together for Children and Families
Description Interprofessional working is one of the key subjects taught across early years, education, health and social care programmes, as a result of the move towards a more integrated practice for children. Written by a multi-professional team of contributors and grounded by their experience in interprofessional work, this book relates the rhetoric of interprofessionalism to discussions and examples of practice. The authors draw on their experiences of a wide range of practice heritages and contexts to propose that a new professionalism is required in an interprofessional world. They emphasize that it is only by using interprofessional understanding and awareness when engaging with practice issues that professionals will develop the safety and quality in work with children that is now required. The book argues that individuals cannot learn to work effectively in the complex, ever changing world of services for children and families, without first gaining understanding of interprofessionalism and internalizing appropriate values and principles. The book offers new thinking on the challenges of interprofessional working including exploration of leading in uncertainty and its underpinning principles and values. Key features of the book also include: Chapters grouped into related strands of context, learning, working and current and future challengesCase studies and practice dilemmas designed to challenge the readerReflexivity points Interprofessional Working in Practice is essential reading for all professionals, students and academics linked to Children's Services.Contributors: Sharif Al-Rousi, Annie Clouston, Ian Duckmanton, Sally Graham, Joy Jarvis, Karen John, Maureen Longley, Daryl Maisey, Paty Paliokosta, Anne Rawlings, Sajni Sharma, Ute Ward, Sue Webster
  • Trodd, Lyn
  • Open University Press
  • 2011
  • 200
  • Paperback
  • 9780335244478
79,66 Euro   4.899 Денари.
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