Celebreties , Celebreties

Darling Days : A Memoir
Description When a group of boys refuse to let six-year-old iO play ball, he instantly adopts a new persona, becoming a boy named Ricky, a choice his parents support and celebrate. It is the start of a profound exploration of gender and identity and the beginning of a life invented and reinvented at every step. Alternating between the harrowing and the hilarious, Darling Days is the candid, tough, and stirring memoir of a young person in search of an authentic self as his family and home life devolve into chaos. Now an actor and artist, iO is currently finishing a project to photograph people across the LGBTQ spectrum in every state. --Mitchell Kaplan, Books & Books
  • Wright, iO Tillett
  • Ecco Press
  • 2017
  • 400
  • Paperback
  • 9780062368218
16,24 Euro   999 Денари.
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