Sport & Exercise , Balance & Wellness

Tighten Your Tummy in 2 Weeks
Description The proof is in the pictures: women with visibly tighter tummies after 2 weeks and total-body transformations just 6 to 12 weeks later. Some 40 women tested the diet and exercise program in Tighten Your Tummy in 2 Weeks under the direction of author and fitness expert Ellington Darden, PhD, who documented success stories in remarkable before and after photographs. Readers can expect results similar to Darden's test panel, waistline reductions of several inches and up to 12 pounds of fat loss in just 2 weeks. A special resistance exercise technique called negative-accentuated training" triggers fat cells to burn and release fat, effectively "spot-reducing" the belly, butt, and thighs. Based on the science behind Darden's book The Body Fat Breakthrough, the program involves just two 20-minute workouts a week and a reduced-calorie diet that targets belly fat but still embraces carbohydrates, the body's preferred fuel. Readers can control portions and keep calories in check effortlessly with Darden's own recipes and microwaveable meal options. Following the last meal of the day, readers are encouraged to take a brisk walk to burn off "dinner calories." Superhydration, drinking a gallon a day of ice water aids digestion, burns extra calories, and curbs appetite. A unique toning exercise called "the tummy vacuum" strengthens core muscles that cause tummies to sag when weak.
  • Darden, Ellington
  • Rodale Press Inc.
  • 2015
  • 256
  • Hardback
  • 9781623365714
24,37 Euro   1.499 Денари.
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