Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry , Medical & Nursing Education

Mulholland's The Nurse, The Math, The Meds : Drug Calculations Using Dimensional Analysis
Description Use the simplicity of the dimensional analysis method to make accurate drug calculations! Mulholland's The Nurse, The Math, The Meds, 4th Edition helps you overcome any math anxiety you may have by clearly explaining how to use dimensional analysis to minimize drug calculation errors. It shows how to analyze and set up problems, estimate a reasonable answer, and then evaluate the answer for accuracy. But first, a review of basic math ensures that you remember essential math skills. Updated by nursing educator Susan Turner, this edition includes plenty of practice exercises to help you understand and master each aspect of dimensional analysis. UNIQUE! Useful FAQs and answers in each chapter are based on years of classroom questions compiled by the author. UNIQUE! Communication boxes show sample nurse-patient and nurse-prescriber dialogues, relating the math to the medications and to clinical application. UNIQUE! Ask Yourself questions help you synthesize information and reinforce your comprehension. Rapid Practice quizzes provide practice problems following each new topic, making it easy to master both math concepts and drug calculation at the same time. Mnemonics offer shortcuts to make memorization easier, and save time in learning. Red arrow alerts call attention to potential math errors and patient safety issues. High-risk drug icons are used to highlight potentially dangerous drugs. Multiple choice-format questions at the end of each chapter help you review the material and prepare for the NCLEX (R) exam. Chapter finals boost your understanding by providing additional practice with the major concepts covered in each chapter; the answer key shows how to work out the problems. Comprehensive final practice boosts your understanding by providing additional practice with the major concepts covered through the entire text; the answer key shows how to work out the problems. NEW and Updated! Safety-related procedures and protocols include the newest ISMP, JCAHO, and QSEN safety standards and new content on drug calculations. NEW and Updated! Photos and medication labels ensure that you are up to date on today's medications. NEW! SBAR information describes Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation in Metric Units and Conversions chapter. NEW information on health care provider orders is added to Oral Medications chapter. NEW table of insulins and their uses is included in Antidiabetic Medications chapter. NEW content on thrombolytics, clotting inhibitors, anti-platelet aggregants, and herbal supplements is included in Anticoagulant Medications chapter.
  • Turner, Susan
  • Elsevier - Health Sciences Division
  • 2018
  • 560
  • Paperback
  • 9780323479509
73,15 Euro   4.499 Денари.
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