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Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry , Nursing Management

Role Development In Professional Nursing Practice
Description Let Your Professional Journey Begin! Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice provides nursing students with a roadmap to help guide them along their journey as a professional nurse. Divided into two units, this text provides students with a basic foundation in areas such as nursing history, theory, philosophy, ethics, socialization into the nursing role, the social context of nursing, and career development in nursing. The second half of this text is more directly related to patient care issues such as patient education, ethical issues in nursing practice, the law as it relates to patient care and nursing, clinical judgment, informatics and technology, as well as, a new chapter on evidence-based nursing practice and the future directions in professional nursing practice
  • Masters, Kathleen
  • Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc
  • 2008
  • 345
  • Paperback
  • 9780763756031
32,50 Euro   1 999 Denarë.
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