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About Us

The company "AKADEMSKA KNIGA" was founded in 2008. The main activity of the company is the sale of foreign professional literature from world famous publishing houses and worldly renowned university printing houses.

Currently, "AKADEMSKA KNIGA" is supplied with more than 50,000 different titles and has the best prices in the region.

The specialized company for sale of foreign professional literature "AKADEMSKA KNIGA" cooperates with and works for the needs of: business educational centers, test preparation centers, schools for learning foreign languages, libraries, state and private universities (to which it offers special models cooperation), primary and secondary schools, diplomatic schools, diplomatic missions, European institutions and education development funds, etc.


The fund of professional literature in our store is constantly enriched with the latest editions of monographs, scientific papers from university printing houses, lecture books (textbooks), manuals, dictionaries, books for learning foreign languages, as well as other publications from a wide range of many sciences.


In addition to a large selection of professional literature, our assortment abounds with popular editions of books from all genres, where you can find everything from biographies, music books, classics, popular psychology and business, the increasingly popular manga and a huge range of other comics. Also, we have a wide selection of titles for fans of horror, fantasy, science fiction and many other different genres.


In addition, in the store we have a special section - GAME ON - which houses the latest games for Sony PlayStation, X-box, WII…


We welcome you to visit us, where you can refresh and enjoy the ambiance of the coffee bar SHAKESPEARE, which is a part of the bookstore.

