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Crime & Thriller , Thriller

The Companion
Lucky to have survived the car-wreck that killed her family. Lucky to get a single room because she wakes up screaming every night. And finally, lucky to be chosen to join a foster family at their remote country manor. But soon, Margot realises that it wasn't generosity that moved Mr. and Mrs. Sutton to bring her home. Margo was handpicked to be a companion for their daughter, Agatha - a formerly typical teenager who suddenly went catatonic. Staying with the Suttons is better than the alternatives, but strange things start happening at the estate. As Margot begins to understand the truth, she begins to slip away...just like Agatha.
  • Alender, Katie
  • Penguin Putnam Inc
  • 2020
  • 288
  • Hardback
  • 9780399545917
17,87 12,50 Euro   1.099 769 Денари.
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