Graphic Novels, Anime & Manga , Anime & Manga

Absolute Duo Vol. 2
To avenge the death of his younger sister, Tor Kokonoe enters the prestigious Koryo Academy, a high school dedicated to training its students to wield Blaze - individualised weapons that are manifestations of one's soul. While the future of a student is often determined by the form their weapon takes, Tor is an Irregular, whose Blaze appears as a shield instead of a melee weapon. How can Tor possibly learn to use his defensive abilities to fight effectively? That's when the Duo system comes in, a program where students are paired up as battle mates, classmates and roommates. Tor's is paired with a silver-haired girl from Scandinavia named Julie Sigtuna, who possesses a powerthe likes of which has never been seen, and shares his thirst for revenge.
  • Hiiragiboshi, Takumi
  • Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
  • 2018
  • 180
  • Paperback
  • 9781626926646
11,37 Euro   699 Денари.
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