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Children's Corner , Children 6-10 years

Build! A Knight's Castle : Pop Out and Build a Castle Battle Scene
Think like an archaeologist with this fun paper-craft title! Readers are given information about how archaeologists uncover remains, and use secondary sources. They are then given visual and textual clues about the site of a medieval castle, which was the location of a sieged battle. The final part of the book contains the press-out pieces to recreate a paper model of the castle and the historic battle, complete with siege engines and defending and attacking forces. The reader must use their new-found knowledge of how the castle was laid out, and what siege engines looked like to figure out how to piece the paper scene together
  • Seaman, Annalie
  • The Ivy Press
  • 2015
  • 80
  • Paperback
  • 9781782402732
16,24 Euro   999 Денари.
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