Business & Management , Business Research Methods

Doing Research in Business and Management
Understand the theory and techniques behind research methods used in business today Doing Research in Business Management, 2nd edition, by Mark Saunders and Philip Lewis, introduces you to the theory and techniques of research methods in an easy-to-follow and coherent way. The authors' concise writing style, with clear tables and diagrams, brings the subject to life and makes it highly accessible. Covering all the areas of research, from reviewing secondary data or literature, or writing a research proposal, to completing an entire research project, the text guides you through each step with clear explanations and applications of the topic in hand. The 2nd edition includes new and updated features to support your learning throughout the book. Besides helpful 'Definition' and 'Research in practice' boxes, benefit from new resources such as: A glossary at the end of the book. An expanded chapter on secondary data. Consideration of the most recent research methods thinking (including the use of online research) Updated to include the latest developments in the field, this text will equip you with the knowledge you need to be able to carry out effective research in business management today.
  • Saunders, Mark
  • Pearson Education
  • 2017
  • 280
  • 9781292133522
48,76 Euro   2.999 Денари.
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