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Chemistry , Chemical & Bio Engineering

Kellogg on Biotechnology
Biotechnology is the new capital. The many stakeholders in this revolution include scientists, technologists, managers, and venture capitalists; health care, agricultural, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries; law professionals and ethicists; public policymakers; and, finally, the society and individuals who are in the midst of all that is taking place. Kellogg on Biotechnology is the outgrowth of TechVentures, a collaborative student-faculty effort at the Kellogg School of Management. The contributors walk the reader through the "what" - what are some of the newest biotechnologies that will revolutionize the way we think about health? the "how" - how to transform those technologies into profitable products and companies; and the "who" - who will benefit from these technologies.
  • Management, Kellogg School of
  • Kogan Page
  • 262
  • Paperback
  • 9780749443986
40,63 Euro   2.499 Денари.
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