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Political science , Political Revolution/Violence/Terrorism

Striking First: The Preventive War Doctrine and the Reshaping of U.S. Foreign Policy
American foreign policy, governmental institutions, and the public's sense of internal and external security are undergoing significant changes. The Bush Administration's remaking of American foreign policy through an emphasis on a preemptive, first strike, doctrine is an important change, since policy is based on intentions and state and non-state actors--downplaying the advantages of multilateralism. Parallel to this change in external action is its attempt to build an internal security apparatus that will likely result in the significant contraction of civil liberties. These policy shifts challenge the very fundamentals of American political life and the perception of the U.S. throughout the world. This volume brings together leading scholars to ask the important questions, provide trenchant analyses, and examine the potential implications of ongoing changes in American domestic and international politics.
  • Chris J., Dolan
  • Palgrave Macmillan US
  • 231
  • Hardback
  • 9781403965486
50,39 35,27 Euro   3.099 2.169 Денари.
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