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Political science , Political Revolution/Violence/Terrorism

The West's Road to 9/11: Resisting, Appeasing and Encouraging Terrorism Since 1970
The West's Road to 9/11 offers a detailed explanation of the handling of the challenge of terrorism by the USA, the UK and the West over the last thirty years. David Carlton contends that anti-terrorist rhetoric by the Governments of the West frequently masked indifference to the activities of many practitioners of non-state violence; and that in the case of the United States it did not hesitate even to sponsor those terrorist movements if deemed supportive of its wider geopolitical objectives.
  • David, Carlton
  • Palgrave Macmillan UK
  • 297
  • Hardback
  • 9781403996084
74,78 52,34 Euro   4.599 3.219 Денари.
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