Бесплатна испорака за нарачки над 500 ден.

World Languages , Other Languages

These basic characters enable beginner students of Chinese to build up their basic vocabulary and writing skills. In addition to the reference and practice material, there are over 25 quizzes based on each set of 10 characters learned, and 5 more substantial review sections based on every 50 characters learned. An answer key to all of this material, including the five challenging word puzzles, is given at the back of the book. There are alo alphabetical and radical indexes for quick reference to all the characters and compounds covered.
  • Lee, Philip Yungkin
  • C. E. Tuttle
  • 2004
  • 343
  • 9780804833608
4,88 3,41 Euro   300 210 Денари.
Количина на залиха