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Economics , Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics with MyEconLab: International Edition
Description Make the link between theory and real-world easier for students with the most up-to-date Intermediate Macroeconomics text on the market Today! Hubbard, O'Brien, and Rafferty realize that most students enrolled in today's intermediate macroeconomics courses are either undergraduate or masters students who are likely to become entrepreneurs, managers, bankers, stock brokers, accountants, lawyers, or government officials. Very few students will pursue a Ph.D. in economics. Given this student profile, Hubbard, O'Brien, and Rafferty's new text presents Intermediate Macroeconomics in the context of contemporary events, policy, and business with an integrated explanation of today's financial crisis. Student and instructor feedback tells us that Hubbard, O'Brien, and Rafferty helps make the link between theory and real-world easier for students! Available with the award-winning MyEconLab and grouped by Learning Objectives! MyEconLab is a powerful assessment and tutorial system that works hand-in-hand with Intermediate Macroeconomics. MyEconLab includes comprehensive homework, quiz, test, and tutorial options, where instructors can manage all assessment needs in one program!
  • Hubbard, Glenn P.
  • Pearson Education Limited
  • 2011
  • Mixed media product
  • 9780273762225
71,53 Euro   4.399 Денари.
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