Life Sciences , Genetics

Mutagenesis: Exploring Novel Genes and Pathways
Description Current successes in omics research have accelerated the production of high quality foods. Various mutation methodologies have been developed to achieve this progress, showing the importance of mutagenesis for food security. 'Mutagenesis: exploring novel genes and pathways' describes the latest achievements in induced mutagenesis, with a particular focus on the development of crops. The book details experimental studies on functions of particular genes of interest, the mechanisms involved in physiological processes, and occurring chemical reactions. Also, the creation of new mutants and lines by use of genomic data banks is discussed. The book will be of mutual interest to end-users in modern breeding programs as well as to scientific research.
  • Tomlekova, Nasya
  • Wageningen Academic Publishers
  • 2014
  • 600
  • Hardback
  • 9789086862344
130,07 104,05 Euro   7.999 6.399 Денари.
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