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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror , Space Opera

Odd John and Sirius
Description "Odd John" is the definitive fictionalization of the mutated superman. After a strange birth and childhood, John is suddenly compelled to accept the fact that he is different. What is more, he has to decide what to do with his gifts. "Sirius," although the logical successor to "Odd John," deals with quite another being - an alien intelligence, artificially produced, a dog with superhuman mentality, who is not only superior to his own kind, but rejected by those with whom he has most in common. Stapledon uses his powers - intellectual, imaginative, and observant - to detail the conflict in its very "human" form.
  • Stapledon, Olaf
  • Dover Publications Inc.
  • 1972
  • 309
  • Paperback
  • 9780486211336
16,24 11,37 Euro   999 699 Денари.
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