Geography, Geology & Environmental Sciences , Special Topic

Introduction to Geospatial Technologies
Combining both theoretical coverage and hands-on lab work, and accessible to majors and non-majors alike, Bradley Shellito's "Introduction to Geospatial Technologies" has become a new favorite for the digital Earth course. The new edition reflects the latest developments in the field, including how scientists are using GIS data with cloud technology. With lab activities that utilize both widely available freeware and ArcGIS, instructors can tailor the course to their students."Introduction to Geospatial Technologies, Second Edition" is available in three formats: a paperback edition, a loose-leaf edition, and a fully interactive e-Book.
  • Shellito, University Bradley A
  • W. H. Freeman
  • 2013
  • 560
  • Paperback
  • 9781464133459
60,15 Euro   3.699 Денари.
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