Arts , Art History & Theory

Body Politics : The Female Image in Luba Art and the Sculpture of Alison Saar
Description Although the sculpture of African American artist Alison Saar is influenced by African objects and ideas, this volume does not seek to establish direct linkages, opting instead to present dialogues. It features an extended interchange between noted Africanist and art historian Mary Nooter Roberts and Saar, and through a series of photographed images, it also establishes a visual dialogue between Saar's frequently large-scale sculptural pieces and the intimate and intricate works of the Luba peoples of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Roberts, Mary Nooter
  • Fowler Museum of Cultural History,U.S.
  • 2000
  • 80
  • Paperback
  • 9780930741815
19,50 Euro   1.199 Денари.
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