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Education , Early childhood education

An Introduction to Early Childhood Studies
This new edition of this bestselling textbook examines the key themes involved in the study of young children and childhood from a variety of disciplines and international perspectives, making essential links between theory and practice to help you apply your learning in real-life settings. Key additions include: the latest changes in early years policy 2 brand new chapters on Postmodernist theories in Education, and Education for Sustainable Development A renewed emphasis on reflective practice across Part 4, supporting and encouraging your professional development Throughout, case studies, exercises and links to further reading help you engage with key issues and test your learning, making it easier for you to get to grips with all aspects of your course.
  • Powell, Sacha
  • SAGE Publications Ltd
  • 2017
  • 344
  • Paperback
  • 9781473974838
30,88 Euro   1.899 Денари.
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