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Children's Corner , Children 0-2 years

The Stars Just Up the Street
A grandpa's memories of brilliant night skies inspire a little girl to take action in a tale for budding community organizers and star lovers alike. Mabel loves stars. She counts five from her window and thirty-seven from her back garden. But her grandpa tells her that, as a child, he could see thousands. Could it be true? Mabel climbs a hill looking for more stars - only to discover that the nearby glow from town makes them hard to see. What would it take for her neighbours to turn off their lights, just for one night, so that everyone could see the starlit sky? Sue Soltis's tale of a young activist and Christine Davenier's luminous illustrations will leave readers curious about the dark-sky movement - and the wonder that is waiting for them just up the street.
  • Soltis, Sue
  • Walker Books Ltd
  • 40
  • Hardback
  • 9781406393538
14,62 Euro   899 Денари.
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