Pets , Dogs

A Dog's Life
Gemma Correll's whimsical illustrations capture all Fido's moods from perky scamp to loyal, obedient protector. Although this book does present a vast array of canine shenanigans for our amusement, be forewarned - you'll also get some startling insights into what your dog is really thinking about you (and, it may not always be complimentary - not that you will really mind). You see, dogs have insinuated themselves into our lives as no other creatures could. What's more, they know they'll always have a place in our hearts. Why else do we lavish them with yummy treats and belly scratches? There's something about a wagging tail and a soulful stare that's just too hard to resist. Text in English, German and French.
  • Correll, Gemma
  • teNeues Publishing UK Ltd
  • 128
  • Hardback
  • 9783832797423
14,62 11,69 Euro   899 719 Денари.
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