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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror , Classic Science Fiction

The Ganymede Takeover
Earth has been invaded - but one human terrorist has discovered a weapon which might change the course of the war! Earth has been taken over by the Ganymedians, a race of telepathic worm-like aliens whose instinct for survival has overridden any human attempt to resist their rule. But there is one man who may have discovered a way to defeat them. Dr Balkani has created a machine which distorts reality, and therefore will allow a determined human to avoid the Ganymedians' telepathic oversight. But there is one problem - Balkani is a worm-kisser, a servant of the invaders, and may not allow his invention to be used against them ...
  • Dick, Philip K
  • Orion Publishing Co
  • 224
  • Paperback
  • 9780575133129
14,62 Euro   899 Денари.
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