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Mathematics & Statistics , General Mathematics

Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers plus MyMathLab Student Starter Kit
Description Future elementary and middle school teachers need a clear, coherent presentation of the mathematical concepts, procedures, and processes they will be called upon to teach. This text uniquely balances what they will teach (concepts and content) with how to teach (processes and communication). As a result, students using Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers leave the course knowing more than basic math skills; they develop a deep understanding of concepts that enables them to effectively teach others. This Fourth Edition features an increased focus on the 'big ideas' of mathematics, as well as the individual skills upon which those ideas are built.
  • O'Daffer, Phares G.
  • Pearson Education (US)
  • 2007
  • 936
  • Mixed media product
  • 9780321448590
170,72 Euro   10.499 Денари.
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