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Physics & Astronomy , Nuclear & High Energy Physics

Relativistic Density Functional For Nuclear Structure
Description This book aims to provide a detailed introduction to the state-of-the-art covariant density functional theory, which follows the Lorentz invariance from the very beginning and is able to describe nuclear many-body quantum systems microscopically and self-consistently. Covariant density functional theory was introduced in nuclear physics in the 1970s and has since been developed and used to describe the diversity of nuclear properties and phenomena with great success.In order to provide an advanced and updated textbook of covariant density functional theory for graduate students and nuclear physics researchers, this book summarizes the enormous amount of material that has accumulated in the field of covariant density functional theory over the last few decades as well as the latest developments in this area. Moreover, the book contains enough details for readers to follow the formalism and theoretical results, and provides exhaustive references to explore the research literature.
  • Meng, Jie
  • World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
  • 2016
  • 716
  • Hardback
  • 9789814733250
193,48 135,43 Euro   11.899 8.329 Денари.
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