Business & Management , Career Development

Career Counseling : A Holistic Approach
Description Providing the most current, comprehensive coverage available, CAREER COUNSELING: A HOLISTIC APPROACH, International Edition equips readers with a solid understanding of the theoretical models of career counseling as well as practical techniques on how to effectively counsel clients. The text's innovative holistic or "whole person" approach demonstrates how to consider a client's values, temperament, talents, and passions when trying to determine his or her best career fit. Thoroughly revised and updated, the cutting-edge new Eighth Edition includes all-new chapters on integrating career and personal counseling, job loss and transitions, adult career development, and career-related programs in middle schools. In addition, diversity issues are integrated throughout, while relevant case studies bring chapter concepts to life.
  • Zunker, Vernon G.
  • Cengage Learning, Inc
  • 1899
  • 528
  • Paperback
  • 9780840034366
65,02 Euro   3.999 Денари.
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