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Psychology , Social Psychology

The Psychology of Retirement
Description How can you make the most of retirement? How should you plan for retirement? What are the challenges of retirement and how can they be dealt with? The Psychology of Retirement looks at this life stage as a journey that involves challenges, opportunities, setbacks, periods of disenchantment and, often, exciting new beginnings. Taking a positive approach, the book explores how retirement provides opportunities to cultivate new friendships, interests and hobbies, consolidate and renegotiate long-held ones, and even re-invent oneself in a post-work environment. It also emphasizes the value of pre-retirement planning, and the importance of establishing new goals and purposes. Retirement can be a period of significant psychological growth and development and The Psychology of Retirement shows how it can herald the beginning of a vibrant and active stage of life.
  • Rosenthal, Doreen
  • Taylor & Francis Inc
  • 2019
  • 112
  • Paperback
  • 9780815347088
14,62 Euro   899 Денари.
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