Literature , Short Stories

Your Duck is My Duck
Description Each of the six stories that make up this new collection—Eisenberg’s first for twelve years—has the heft and complexity of a novel. With her own inexorable logic and uncanny ability to conjure up the strange states of mind and emotion that constitute our daily consciousness, Eisenberg pulls us as if by gossamer threads through the lives of her characters. In her world, the forces of money, sex and power cannot be escaped, and the force of history, whether confronted or denied, cannot be evaded. No one writes better about time, tragedy and grief, and the indifferent but beautiful universe around us.
  • Eisenberg, Deborah
  • Europa Editions (UK) Ltd
  • 2019
  • 240
  • Paperback
  • 9781787701823
16,24 Euro   999 Денари.
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