Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry , Pediatrics

Essent Pediatric Nursing 4e (Int Ed) PB
Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 4e provides a unique concept-based approach and nursing process focus that helps students go from concept to application by building on prior knowledge. The text presents the important differences when caring for children as compared to caring for adults. Simpler and broader concepts are mastered first, then students are able to progress to problem solving in more complex situations.   Focusing on conceptual learning provides a time-efficient instructional method for nursing educators and fosters the development of critical thinking. This approach is supported by many of the textbook s features, such as: Interactive Case Studies, Unfolding Case Studies, and Clinical Reasoning Alerts.   The main objective of the fourth edition is to provide student nurses with the foundation needed for sound nursing care of children and their families.
  • Kyle, Theresa
  • Wolters Kluwer Health
  • 1232
  • Paperback
  • 9781975154455
131,69 Euro   8.099 Денари.
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