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Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry , Orthopedics

Internal Fixators
Table of Contents: 1. Background and methodological principles 2. Surgical reduction techniques 3. Techniques and procedures in LISS and LCP 4. Pitfalls and complications 5. Shoulder girdle 6. Humerus 7. Radius and ulna 8. Pelvic ring and acetabulum 9. Femur 10. Tibia and fibula 11. Calcaneus. Note: DVD contains a step-by-step presentation of operations supported by intraoperative videos, AO teaching videos, and animations illustrating the critical steps. Other Contributor: Wagner, Michael. Frigg, Robert. Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen. Table of Contents: 1. Background and methodological principles 2. Surgical reduction techniques 3. Techniques and procedures in LISS and LCP 4. Pitfalls and complications 5. Shoulder girdle 6. Humerus 7. Radius and ulna 8. Pelvic ring and acetabulum 9. Femur 10. Tibia and fibula 11. Calcaneus.
  • Frigg, Robert
  • AO Publishing, Davos
  • 2006
  • 868
  • 9783131435514
66.65 46.65 Euro   4,099 2,869 Denars.
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