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Culinary & Hospitality , Food & Drink

The Food of China
Drawing on six thousand years of culinary tradition, Chinese food enjoys universal and enduring popularity. One of the first cookbooks to be produced entirely in mainland China, this lavishly illustrated volume presents a wide range of dishes from the major culinary regions, as well as examining the historical and geographic influences that have shaped the cuisine of this ancient land. Recipes include classic dishes like Sharksfin Soup and Smoked Sichuan Duck, as well as innovative creations such as Century Egg with Pepper, Vegetarian Fried Rice and Mango Pudding. Magnificent photos and detailed information on Chinese ingredients and cooking techniques make "The Food of China" the perfect guide to the food and culinary lore of the Middle Kingdom.
  • Periplus Editions
  • 1996
  • 132
  • 9789625930091
4,88 3,41 Euro   300 210 Денари.
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