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Economics , Microeconomics

Principles of Microeconomics: Student Text
Description Taylor uses a clear, engaging writing style, with well-chosen examples and step-by-step demonstration of abstract concepts and theories. Popular for its coverage of modern policy issues, "Principles of Economics", was the first text to introduce long-run (macro) fundamentals before exploring short-term economic fluctuations. Taylor's trademark "Conversation boxes" provide students with succinct, step-by-step guidance through particularly difficult concepts. The Fifth Edition re-emphasises the text's modern approach, concise, yet thorough coverage of current economic theories and real world/policy focus.
  • Taylor, John
  • Cengage Learning, Inc
  • 2006
  • 544
  • Hardback
  • 9780618640874
8,11 5,67 Euro   499 349 Денара.
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