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Arts , Art History & Theory

Art in the Era of Alexander the Great : Paradigms of Manhood and their Cultural Traditions
Description In this book, Ada Cohen focuses on art produced in Macedonia during the late Classical and early Hellenistic period, which coincides with the reigns of Philip II, his famous son Alexander the Great, and their immediate successors. Although inspired by traditional Greek themes and ideals, this body of artwork articulated specifically Macedonian aspirations. Cohen focuses on three key 'masculine' themes - warfare, hunting, and abduction of women - exploring their visual and conceptual interconnections. She demonstrates their preoccupation with the visual celebration of violence and studies the analogies they draw among the ideological categories of 'enemy', 'animal', and 'woman'. Simultaneously historical and thematic, Cohen's text is structured around select paintings and mosaics from northern Greek sites, such as Pella and Vergina, and from both secular and funerary contexts. She also examines monuments from other ancient contexts and in other media to illuminate specific questions of style, theme, and meaning.
  • Cohen, Ada
  • Cambridge University Press
  • 2014
  • 423
  • Paperback
  • 9781107614871
55,27 Euro   3.399 Денара.
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