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Children's Corner , Children's Encyclopedias

Basher Science Mini: Green Technology : The Ultimate Clean-Up Act!
- Did you know that our planet is choking in greenhouse gases? - That 2020 was the hottest year EVER? - And that more than one million species are at risk of extinction? Climate change is here right now and the superheroes of the Green Tech world want to do something about it. Tidal Lagoon, Smart Grid and Carbon Capture are just three of the amazing technologies coming to the rescue. They will find sustainable ways to create, use and store energy. They will show us how to clean up our air and our oceans. And they will help us to put Nature first. Why, even now, Solar Panel, Wind Turbine and Geothermal Power are hard at work to make polluting fossil fuels a thing of the past. Perfect for home or school, Basher's highly original books make difficult concepts tangible, understandable and even lovable. Chatty first-person text and stylish, contemporary character illustrations give a voice, personality and story to each topic - a brilliant way to communicate science.
  • Jackson, Tom
  • Pan Macmillan
  • 2022
  • 64
  • Paperback
  • 9780753447413
9,74 Euro   599 Denarë.
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