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Literature , Young Adult

Wicked Chickens
Spooky or funny, surprising or frightening, SHOCK SHOP is a collection of brand new novels by some of the greatest names in children's writing. WICKED CHICKENS Charlie's Dad wins at Bingo and at last his dream can come true - a cottage with roses at the door and chickens scratching in the yard, laying lovely brown eggs... or so he thinks. It's a disaster The family ends up having to rent and their four 'dream' chickens are scrawny, bad-tempered things. And suddenly, instead of four, there are ten. And the next day fifteen. They start pecking at the windows, staring in with their beady eyes. And then there are twenty chickens... twenty-five... thirty... The wicked chickens have come home to roost
  • French, Vivian
  • Macmillan Children's Books
  • 2003
  • 89
  • 9780330415750
4,86 Euro   299 Denarë.
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